

Overwatch is a popular team-based multiplayer first person shooter, developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. It was released in May 2016, and as of May 2018, has 40 million players worldwide.

Personal Experience

I started playing Overwatch since its launch and have had the opportunity to play in local and online tournaments as part of a full team of 6 or more for the past years, thus, my analysis will be based on the competitive mode (and aspect) that the game provides.


Lens of Elemental Tetrad – #9


Overwatch follows an art style and design akin to those found in 3-dimensional animated movies, and has a bright, vibrant colour palette that varies with different levels. This visual style sets the game apart from other first-person shooters and entices new players into their world, whilst ensuring that the basic elements that a first-person shooter possess are not affected, such as the visibility of characters across maps.


Overwatch was released on Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The minimum system requirements for the PC version of Overwatch calls for an Intel i3 processor and a Nvidia GTX 460, both of which were released back in 2010, therefore, most modern laptops and desktops will be able to run this game just fine. As Overwatch has grown itself to become a worldwide eSports phenomenon, obtaining a higher “frames per second” (fps) count is essential to eSports players, and this title is highly optimized to run on PCs. With my gaming laptop (Intel i7-7700HQ, GTX 1060), the game runs on a buttery smooth average of 150 fps with low settings, which is also essential for maximizing frame rates.


In the competitive mode of the game, one team, consisting of six players, pit their skills against an opposing team, to take turns defending or attacking objective points or advancing payloads, until one team triumphs over the other. If a player on the attacking team contests a point or payload at the last 3 second of a round, the game goes into Overtime, a mechanic which gives a final chance to the attackers. As soon as an attacker is no longer contesting, the overtime meter will deplete until it reaches 0, or resets when an attacker contests the point or payload again.

Players can select from a pool of 29 (and expanding) heroes, categorized into three roles: Tank, Damage, and Support, with each hero having distinctively different abilities and an ultimate, game-changing ability. Players can combine any number of regular abilities or ultimate abilities to ensure that the team wins a fight.

For example, Zarya fires her ultimate, Graviton Surge (an orb that sucks in all enemies into an area) and attempts to combo with DVA’s ultimate, Self-Destruct (launching a self-destructing mech-suit). However, since there is a Reinhardt on the other team, Reinhardt’s shield can protect and negate damage from the self-destructing mech. Therefore, Lucio uses his normal ability, Soundwave, to knock the Reinhardt and his shield out of position, thus the combo was able to land successfully.

The game has no fall damage, no friendly fire (although it has self-damage from area of effect attacks), allowing for chaotic, fast-paced engagements.


Overwatch’s story is not explicitly presented in front of the players and does not attempt to divert attention away from the main, action-packed gameplay. The story serves as a bridge and reason to the game’s setting and existence of certain heroes.

Overwatch is set in the near-future on Earth, where an international task force called Overwatch was formed to maintain global stability amidst the Omnic Crisis, where robots turned against humanity. However, corruption tore Overwatch apart, but the world still needs heroes to combat new crisis.

Overwatch’s story is ever expanding thanks to supplementary materials such as animated shorts, webcomics and hero biographies.

Lens of Resonance – #12

Every hero in the game has a chance of defending itself with its abilities. Players will not feel immediately disadvantaged when being flanked or attacked by an enemy opponent, no matter the hero choice. For example, Ana, a support hero that shoots healing darts with a rifle (and damaging darts if it his opponents), has the main role of healing the team from a distance. However, when an enemy tries to attack, Ana has abilities such as the sleep dart to defend herself in an attempt to shutdown a successful assassination attempt.

Every hero also has an ultimate ability, which if perfectly timed, coordinated and executed, has a higher chance of a game-changing, game-winning play, thus players will never feel that a round is completely lost without at least trying. For example, the Reaper waits until the last few seconds before casting his ultimate, Death Blossom, which damages enemies in a ring around him, enabling the team to continue capturing the point in overtime.

Lens of Cooperation – #44

The game has a built in voice chat system, which allows communication between players. Communication in Overwatch is essential and can be the determining factor in whether a team wins or loses a match. Given a typical Overwatch map, opportunities for flanks and alternative routes are open to both sides, and the location of a high-value target must be conveyed such that everyone in the team can start focusing fire. Support heroes, when flanked, can call for help and it is up to the other players in the team to respond accordingly. Losing a single teammate puts the entire team at a disadvantage, leaving the team in a 5 vs 6 situation.

The development team has also attempted to enhance cooperation between players in Overwatch by providing a “Looking for Group” feature, which allows players to match up with other groups who are looking for players which are good at playing specific roles.

Lens of Action – #31

On the surface, Overwatch might seem like a simple game, but there is underlying complexity within. Complementary team compositions, communication and synergy is all key to defeating opponents. The classic team composition follows a “2-2-2” structure, 2 Damage heroes, 2 Tank heroes, and 2 supports, and depending on which heroes are selected, determines the play-style of the entire team. The 2 most effective “2-2-2” team compositions are “Deathball” and “Dive. “Deathball”, which consist of the tanks “Reinhardt” and “Zarya”, with 2 close to medium ranged damage and support heroes, follows the playstyle where all 6 players stick close to one another and attempts to out-damage and steamroll the opposing team. “Dive” on the other hand, consist of the mobile tanks “Winston” and “Dva”, along with mobile, flanking damage heroes such as “Genji” and “Tracer”. This composition follows the play-style of aggressively jumping in and on top of exposed opponents or support heroes, but it requires more coordination between the damage heroes and tanks to focus a target.

A recent popular team composition that has surfaced is the unusual “3-3” composition, which are 3 tanks and 3 supports, known as the “GOATS” composition. It follows a similar play-style to “Deathball” but is even more aggressive and fast-paced in nature. The objective of a GOATS composition is to obtain ultimate abilities faster than the opposing team on top of out-damaging them.

Due to its effectiveness in competitive play and tournaments, attempts were recently made to reduce its effectiveness through hero balance changes, and to encourage other compositions and play-styles.

The ever-changing META (Most Effective Tactic Available) and balance changes are what keeps the game fresh and unique with every match, and with the inclusion of new, potentially META-changing heroes, ensures the longevity of the game.

Lens of Competition – #43

In competitive play, the game has a “Skill Rating” (SR) system, which assigns a numerical value to a player’s performance and ability within the game. The SR system ranges from 1 to 5000, and includes tiers in ranges, from Bronze tier ( 1 – 1499 ), to Grandmaster tier ( > 4000 ). On top of that, there is a leaderboard which shows the top 500 players in 3 different regions based on SR values, Americas, Asia and Europe.

Players are motivated to keep playing in competitive mode to reach a higher tier and obtain a higher SR value. Winning or losing a game will yield about 25 SR gain/loss on average. Players are also matched up based on similar SRs, to keep the game balanced. If the underlying algorithm thinks that a player belongs to a higher tier, it will start matching player into slightly more challenging games. Thus, the SR value allows for a numerical comparison of a player’s skill and ability between peers and other players, and for some, bragging rights. Players in higher tiers have another motivation of climbing into the highest ranks of being in the leaderboards. With every account, the game keeps track of the player’s highest SR obtained in his/her career.


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Journey is an indie adventure game by Thatgamecompany and was published by Sony on March 2012. It is currently available for the Playstation 3, 4, and Microsoft Windows. The game was made on PhyreEngine and has won several “game of the year” awards and has also been listed as one of the greatest games of all time.

Journey is an adventure game featuring a mysterious red-cloaked character who explores the ruins of a of a lost civilization in a vast desert. The main goal of the game is the reach the peak of a distant mountain by passing several levels. The game also features a multiplayer mode in which players on the same level may assist each other but may not communicate via voice chat, text, or see each other’s game tags until after the end of the game. Instead, the only mode of communication is a musical chime.


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The main character

In Journey, the player must reach the peak of a distant mountain. Unlike other games, Journey‘s story is wordless and is only told through its gameplay, art, and cutscenes. The game explores the idea of the voyage of life and does so by contextualizing this voyage via the levels that lead up to the mountain. Each level is a representation of a part of life — the early levels are full of wonder, amazement, and discovery, symbolizing childhood. The later levels are filled with danger, anxiety, and act as a symbol of leaving childhood and into adulthood. The levels then become heavily focused on moving in an upward trajectory, indicating the quickening of time, closer to the end. As the player treks closer to the mountain, the slower the character grows before meeting death. After the ending credits, a shooting star shoots from the mountain and past the levels and back to the beginning where the player sees other robes characters heading toward the mountain.


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Image result for journey game gifThe main features of the game is exploration via walking or brief flying. The game’s character features a magical scarf that allows the player to fly temporarily and is recharged by walking or some other means. Touching other glowing symbols scattered throughout the game allows the player to extend the scarf, thus extending its flight life.

Its multiplayer features allows the play with one other stranger (whose username is unknown until after the game’s credits). Players can help each other by completing puzzles together but ultimately, two players are not needed to complete the levels.


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The game’s aesthetics is largely composed of flat colors, largely in a softer color palette (teals, pinks, gold, etc.) Its art is similar to cel-shading, where the shadows and highlights are flat colors rather than gradients.

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Example of Journey’s use of lighting

Much of the game’s art and colors are meant to evoke some emotion in the player and does not focus its art on realism but rather on evoking the overall theme. One big part of the game is its use of light in its art. Rather than a means to mimic realism and make objects visible, light is used as a medium to create a mood or atmosphere in the game. According to the levels, whether it is the early levels filled with wonder or the later daunting levels, the color of light used is constantly different according to the ambience the game wants to create. Journey‘s use of luminosity to subtly reflect off the clouds of sand in the distant desert or dimly light up the underground level is one that leaves an impact on the player’s mood.

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A more notable key factor of the game’s aesthetic is its use of simple and minimalistic design. There is little clutter throughout the game but instead emphasizes the idea of a vast, empty world. By doing this, the game puts its focus into creating scenes that look at the big picture rather than focusing on little details.


Journey runs on Playstation 3, 4, and Microsoft Windows. The game requires a minimum of Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 Ghz, Windows 7+, Nvidia GeForce GTX 470, and 5 GB of space.

Lens 3: Fun

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Every level, there is always something new that encounters the character or a new landscape that leaves the player in awe. The game is filled with fun things to do. Even when the player is not exploring some daunting level, there is always room to explore the landscape and discover new things.

Lens 4: Curiosity

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The main feature of the game is to evoke curiosity in the player. This is probably my favourite aspect in the game – how the game is elicit curiosity in players.

The biggest way Journey does this is by putting the player in a never-ending landscape with little explicit guidance. Instead, there are little floating red carpet-like creatures than implicitly guide the players, but the player is never required to follow them. Being in such a massive land, the player is pressed to explore beyond the required path.

Lens 6: Problem Solving

Image result for journey game guardianEvery level has some sort of problem that the player must pass, whether it might be avoiding the Guardians (the enemies) or figuring out how to create a bridge between pillars. There is always some sort of puzzle to complete.

Lens 7: Emotion

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One of the characteristics of Journey that make the game such an impactful experience is its way of creating emotion. The game does so by emphasizing select features of a game – art and storyline. The storyline is simple – the circle of life from beginning to end. But what makes the story such a profound experience is its art. With its use of clever colors and simple design, Journey’s overall gameplay is one that is able to effortlessly set and change the ambience of the game.

Related imageWhile most other games such as the Walking Dead, The Last of Us, etc. have strong storylines, the gameplay and the story is almost detached. Players don’t even need to play the game but instead simply watch a compilation of the cutscenes and still be able to feel emotion and grow attached to the protagonists. The gameplay in these games act as an additional support to make the stories interactive for players. In this sense, the two features are separate.

However, in Journey, gameplay and plotlines are intertwined together. One cannot work without the other. And this is done through its story told implicitly throughout the gameplay rather than cutting the story into cutscenes. The cutscenes in Journey, rather, are the supporting features but are not necessary in order to feel any attachment to the protagonist or to evoke emotion.

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Overall,  Journey is just an amazing and beautiful game. Highly recommend, 11/10.

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Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV is Square Enix 15th installment of one of their oldest running titles – The Final Fantasy. It is an action role-playing game first released for the PS4 and Xbox One, and eventually on Windows. The game takes place on the fictional world of Eos where player assumed the role of Noctis, a prince and a soon-to-be King of Lucis – a royal title that has passed down by 113 generations.  Players would witness how Noctis transform from as spoiled prince to a formidable king whom everyone respect as he fights to reclaimed the land he once lost. The game features an open world environment and an action-based battle system incorporating quick-switching weapons, elemental magic and chain combos backed by operatic music that heightens the sense of drama. FF15 takes realism one notch further by incorporating activities like cruising and camping – something you don’t usually see in video games.

Lens #7: Elemental Tetrad


A young prince was sent on a mission to marry an Oracle to have two nations form an alliance against the evil empire of Nifheim. While away on his journey, Noctis lost his father and his kingdom to the Nifheim during an invasion. The land becomes defiled with daemons released by Nifheim during the war. Accompanied by three others, Noctis need to seek ways to cleanse the daemon and restore light to Eos. One way is to borrow the power of the Royal Arms – heirlooms that were passed down by previous kings sealed away in tombs long forgotten.

As the story progresses, the group of friends later discover that Nifheim assault is more than an invasion when a former candidate of the crown sharing the same blood as Noctis revealed himself to be the mastermind behind the turmoil.

The game adopts a decision tree concept where the choices made by characters are controlled by the player.


The game mechanics feature a traditional hack-n-slash where character confront enemies and subdue them without dying (i.e., hp becomes zero). Player’s character would work together with three other allies to bring down massive foe through a series of cross chain and link combo (i.e., consecutive attacks). Combat usually begins when Noctis and friends are approached by an enemy, attack an enemy, or get too close to it. An interesting thing to note is the use of point-warp where characters can teleport to different spots and take enemies by surprise.

Like any other games, defeating enemies reward players with gold i.e., Gil to purchase powerful items and equipment from vendors. As your character becomes stronger, new skills and elemency emerged to help player defeat more powerful opponents.


FF15 use real faces to models their characters. As such, players may find FF15 characters to borne resemblance to renowned figures in the world. For instance, Regis Lucis Caelum (father of Noctis) is model after Jon Campling, a British actor who starred in numerous Harry Potter films. Using real faces allow designers to accurately capture the characters’ emotions so that players can better empathize with them.

The game has incredible attention to detail. Day and night are flawlessly reproduced in the game; movement of the sun and moon have a real impact on the light and shadows of the scene. In the day, you can hear the rustle of leaves and the crunchiness of dry grass when you step on them. At night, characters use flashlights to move around just like how people behave in real life. Characters also spend most of their traveling by car (i.e., The Regalia) whose metallic body embodies the lightning from the surrounding. It is hard not to pay attention to how the reflection on the vehicle changes according to the camera angle, transitions between day and night and the movements through tunnels and street lights. The details are so delicate to the point where it is as if you were looking at a real car under real lighting situations.

Other attention to detail includes veins underneath the characters’ skin, elbow texture and the condition of the characters’ clothing when it rains.


FF15 runs on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows. The Windows version requires computers to have a minimum specification of Intel Core i5-2500, Nvidia GeForce GTX760, 9GB of Ram and is running on Window 7 SP1 or higher.

Lens #4: The Lens of Curiosity

Ten minutes into the game and I already find myself wandering off to the vast land of FF15 instead of sticking to the main quest. My favorite spot is undeniably Gladin Quay which is a resort area and a seaside getaway along the ocean coast. My character needed to visit Galdin Quay in order to board a ship to Altissia to marry his fiancée. Like an actual resort, the place has a spa, a restaurant, and a hotel coupled filled with lounge activities like pools and darts. Palm trees, bungalows, and ocean typically surround the area.

The cuisines served at the resort is nothing but exquisite and delicious-looking. The resemblance of each dish to the actual item is so uncanny that it makes you salivate at the sight of each one. The lightning, shading, and texture all played a part in creating these mouth-watering dishes. Check out the Creamy Crustacean Omelette below to understand what I mean.

Another activity (or distraction rather) equally intriguing is fishing. Players can fish at the dock at Galdin Quay. You will need to purchase basic fishing gear (rod, reel, line, and lure) from shophouses near the coast. The player would proceed to cast their line and reel in fishes with the help of a meter bar that gauge the fishes’ interest of being lured to the bait.

At night, Gladin Quay is absolutely stunning being vastly different from the day. Pavements are lit-up to direct visitors and table lights used by restaurants to improve dining ambiance. Ocean waves also glow with blue light mirroring the aurorae of the northern hemisphere.

As there are just too many things to do at Gladin Quay, I end up doing all of them and lost track of time. The trade-off is, of course, being late for the wedding, but I mean who cares.

Lens #48: The Lens of Accessibility

Due to the sheer size of the continent in FF15, accessibility is often an issue. It is near impossible to travel by foot unless you are an avid hiker in the virtual world. As such, Regalia, a five-seater convertible was introduced to transport the characters from one place to another. You can either choose to teleport to your destination or take your time to savor the ride. Players can also stop by to explore new places at their leisure. Should players get separated from their car, Regalia can be summoned using the “Call Car” command on the map menu.

Locations on the world map marked with a “P” serve as parking spots for players to park their vehicle at places that are accessible. Similar to a real car, Regalia runs on gasoline which can be refilled at a gas station. Should it run out of fuel during a journey, characters will need to push it to the next gas station, or call a mechanic to tow it for a small fee and I’m not even kidding.

Lens #7: The Lens of Emotion

The Final Fantasy series is known to stir the emotions of players by taking them on the character’s journey. FF15 has plenty of those moments. Perhaps, the most emotional and defining moment is when the main protagonist decides to end his life to restore light to Eos. At the latter part of the game, Noctis learn that the land of Eos has become so tainted that it would take a great deal of power to revert it. Only the True King of Prophet, can do so at the cost of his own life and with the help of the previous Lucean guardians. In the last chapter, the protagonist asks for a photo that he has taken with his friends as memorabilia before the final battle commences. He then gets escorted to the throne room to conduct the ritual while his companions stay behind to fend off against a horde of demons lurking outside. Noctis began summoning the previous kings and have them stabbed him one by one in a slow yet dramatic manner. As he was being pierced, images of Noctis opening up to his companion in the final night flash through. The new king finally enters an eternal slumber where he finds rest with his Fiancé (who too died on a mission) in the afterlife.

Upon beating the game, players will notice that the title screen, music, and logo have undergone drastic changes. Originally night, the background sky now begins at dawn, indicating light have been restored. Initially a sleeping goodness, the FF15 logo change to Noctis sitting and sleeping alongside with his Fiancé suggesting that they have finally reconciled. Last but not least, the music “Somnus” is now replaced with “Noctis,” the protagonist’s leitmotif – a warm and resonant track of the Final Fantasy.

I know that the FF series tends to give players and overload of feels, but this one is just too much.

Lens #??: The Lens of flow

Despite the fantastic graphics and heart-wrenching storyline, Final Fantasy XV is not without its flaw. The game has many plot holes that were later cleared up by a bunch of DLCs and a 110-minute film -some released AFTER the game. As the game mostly revolves around Noctis, the prince of Lucis, little is known about the invasion that has happened while he is away. The game begins with your father happily sending you off on a mission to marry the Oracle of Tenebrae and 30 minutes into the game, you receive a call telling you that your kingdom is gone and your father died defending it. Mind Blown. Luckily for fans, the events of the invasion were captured in the movie, Kingsglaive which explain what happens before the events of the game, but heck who would spend two hours watching a movie before playing the game? Not me for sure.

Another thing that leaves players scratching their head is when the game introduce the character, Ardyn who appear unexpectedly, either as your foe or ally. He would assist you on some occasions or sabotage your plan in other instances. You are often left guessing his motive whether if it is incomprehensive or plain mysterious since he is responsible for the sudden shifts of tone between happy-go-lucky and sad and mournful or angry and vengeful – then back again. His role as the main antagonist is only made known in the second half of the game. But wait! I thought the Niflheim were the bad guys? No, Ardyn made use of the Niflheim empire to achieve his goal to end the Lucis line out of spite due to his complications with the Lucis household. For now, this is the only the plausible reason I can think of despite being a half-baked one to wage a war against a nation.

In short, the story fails to establish itself before thrusting you into its world. To fully understand the story, you will need to play the game, complete three DLCs (featuring the story of Noctis’ companions) and watch Kingsglaive. There are also rumors that the company has plans to work on more DLCs in time to come.

Some much-unfinished business. Well, I guess this is another marketing and PR strategy by Square Enix.

VR/MR Devices Analysis

As the concept of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) is getting increasingly popular in the recent years, more supporting hardware devices were pushed out into the market. VR devices now have a huge collection to choose from, including the high-end PC-based devices to mobile VR devices. Some notable console/PC headsets include the Oculus Rift, the HTC Vive and the Sony Playstation VR, while some notable mobile VR headsets include the Google Daydream, the Samsung Gear VR and the Google Cardboard.

My most preferred VR device would be the Google Cardboard. Cardboard is initiated by Google in order to encourage the development of VR and VR apps. Named after cardboard, the main material making up the headset, Cardboard is very easy to construct with simple materials, such as tape, velcro and cardboard. This makes it much more affordable as compared to the higher end headsets. In addition, users just need a smartphone to operate Cardboard, making it easily accessible. Furthermore, Cardboard has various designs for users to choose from, or users can assemble their own device using Google’s step by step instructions. Due to its low cost of operations, the Google Cardboard is notable to be a good entry device for users interested in VR. As it supports smartphone apps, it opens up a lot of avenues for users to try out VR at their own time, which is what I appreciate from the Google Cardboard. However, as it is made up of cardboard, which is not a lasting material, it is imperative that users may need to replace their device regularly.

Mixed reality is a mix of VR and AR, where the hardware devices augments the real world with virtual objects, with the aim to look as if they are really placed in real life. Some notable devices for MR will be the Microsoft Hololens and the Samsung HMD Odyssey.

My preferred MR headset is possibly the Microsoft Hololens. Even though it was released earlier than some headsets, it still boasts impressive features among all the MR devices. The Hololens has been reviewed to be user friendly. Providing a holographic projections just on the head gear, and the lack of need of a handset, it can be quite a convenient device to be used. Furthermore, the Hololens is quite light compared to other devices, making it usable for longer periods of time. However, the downside of the Hololens is its exorbitant cost of $3000.

However, the market for VR and MR devices still remains big with plenty of potential. We can definitely look forward to more improved devices in the near future.

VR & MR: Google Cardboard Glasses, Ajnalens


Image result for google cardboard vr glassesTaken from Amazon.com

Even though there is a myriad of different VR headsets to pick and choose from, I definitely like the Google Cardbord VR Glasses, purely for the fact that it was an attempt to make the technology of VR cost efficient and easily available. I like the concept behind it, even though it’s use is limited.

Although, in terms of wearability, the reviews are not the best, as users have to constantly hold it to their faces and it is definitely not the most aesthetic of headsets. Despite all the cons, the goal was to encourage users to explore and learn about VR, as well as to encourage developers to further innovate in the VR world without breaking their bank to purchase a VR headset.

In addition, there are lots of apps that are compatible with the cardboard goggles that can be found on Google Play Store and the iOS App Store for users to experience using the goggles with. In spite of all the limitations of the goggles, it’s still a good tool to begin the VR journey!



Taken from http://dimensionnxg.com/

One MR headset that piqued my interest was the Ajnalens created by a Mumbai-based start-up. Ajnalens boasts a 90-degree field of view, as well as the ability to allow users to interact with AR objects through hand gestures, and navigate using gaze and voice command. However, this MR technology is still under development. The coolest part of this device for me is that it displays holograms on the visual display, helping us get yet another step closer to getting the Tony Stark level of technology.

Taken from http://dimensionnxg.com/

On an aesthetic level, in reference to the image, I also appreciate that the creators have experimented with using wood as the headset material instead of sticking with the conventional plastic.

Also, another thing to note is that it is a standalone headset, which is amazing given the amount of computational power I assume it would need to create a 3D map of the environment as it says it would, to provide a user experience that is as realistic and close to the real world as possible.

Which VR/AR/MR devices give the most bang for your buck?

With the rapid improvements in technologies, companies such as Samsung, HTC, HP, Lenovo, Acer and ASUS have created various VR/AR/MR devices in 2019. However, which one will give you the most bang for your buck?

My personal favourite for a VR device is the HTC Vive. Not only is it powerful, but it works perfectly with both Windows and Mac OS. Although Mac OS isn’t really build for gaming, we do see Apple making certain improvements in their machines to cater to the hard core gamers. The wide tracking range area of 15*15 feet allows the user to experience a bigger virtual world compared to other devices.

Lenovo Explorer Windows mixed reality headset with motion controls is my personal favourite. It is currently on sale now on the Microsoft website for just $199(USD), and at that price it will definitely give you the most bang for you buck. It also has a wide range of movement, around 11.5*11.5 feet which gives the user sufficient movement to feel immersed in the game environment.


AR, VR and MR: The HTC Vive Pro and the HoloLens

VR Headsets – HTC Vive Pro (Preferred)


The HTC Vive Pro headset is one of the most advanced consumer VR headsets available today.


When it comes to VR, I feel that immersion is one of the key aspects to having a great user VR experience. One of the key specifications to achieving a more immersive experience in VR is the visual fidelity of the VR headsets. The HTC Vive Pro has a crisp 2880 x 1660 resolution that minimizes much of the screen door effect, one of the usual complaints of current VR headsets.

Besides the impressive technical specifications of the Vive Pro, HTC’s collaboration with Valve Corp means that the HTC Vive has access to many current, updated content from the Steam platform. This means that I am definitely not worried about finding VR content/games from the expansive Steam library that I am sure to enjoy.

One of Vive Pro’s other standout features is the room-scale technology that it offers, which allows the VR setup to track user movement within a room for a game. The Vive blog mentions that this increases the “state of presence” in VR and therefore improves on immersion within the VR content.

Rounding off, built-in headphones are also included in the HTC Vive Pro, which means we do not need to get external headphones for audio to match the visual content on the VR headsets.

Many technical reviews have also complimented on the well-rounded offerings by the HTC Vivo Pro, and it is regarded as one of the best VR headsets on the market today. When we are talking about the latest and greatest, the HTC Vive Pro is arguably hard to beat.


Other great VR headsets –

Oculus Rift, Oculus Go, The original HTC Vive

AR – Focals AR eyewear

I think smart glasses are a great future mainstream application of AR. Unfortunately, many of the smart glasses today have designs that make its users stand out too much from the crowd. I think one of the best ways for smart glasses to gain traction is to have a design that is not too unique, bulky and unwieldy as it is in many current smart glasses. Unlike the google glass, AR focals display AR content by using a “projector” to “beam content” into the user’s retina, hence the less bulky design as compared to displaying user content though an external screen (such as the Google Glass).


Intel’s Vaunt smart glasses would have been a top contender in this category too, since it does have a sleek design with many promised useful features. Unfortunately, Intel has ceased development of these glasses, so I feel that the Focals AR is one of the current smart glasses that I really like and would love to try wearing.


Mixed Reality (Preferred)


Microsoft HoloLens


While I have never tried using the HoloLens before, its features certainly sound very impressive, despite being announced a while back in 2017. The HoloLens provide a unique “Hologram” display where reviews have mentioned that it has an impressive resolution.


User control of this device is also said to be extremely easy and the handsfree experience is said to be a refreshing, futuristic change for most users. This is because, unlike many VR headsets that require users to carry a hardware controller for user input into the system, the HoloLens can simply register pure hand gestures as control inputs instead. Thus, this removes a need for users to even carry an additional controller, freeing up our hands for many other tasks.


In addition, the audio prowess of the device is said to be very competitive. Since the HoloLens is a device that allows the user to continue interacting with the real world, the speakers do not isolate ambient sound. However, it supports binaural audio that provides a spatial awareness of sounds emitted from the speaker.


Lastly, interacting with the device itself is extremely easy, due to the Holographic Processing Unit powering the device. Together with the CPU and GPU included in the HoloLens, the user experience on the HoloLens have been reviewed to be very fluid and very pleasant to navigate around.


I think the HoloLens still has the biggest potential for future user and content growth as a consumer mixed reality head set. Thus it is still my preferred headset, even if there are already other newer competing headsets in the market.

Perhaps, its only downside is the exorbitant asking price of USD $3000.

VR & MR : Oculus Rift and Magic Leap One

Virtual Reality : Oculus Rift

Oculus Rift is nearing the 3 year mark, and had an amazing run in delivering a wholesome VR experience to the community. Requiring a minimum specs of GTX960 and Intel i3-6100, an entry-level gaming computer is all that’s needed to run the Oculus Rift. Priced $100 cheaper than its competitor HTC Vive, it’s certainly a grab for users with a tight budget.

Image result for oculus rift image                                                                 Oculus Rift

Mixed Reality : Magic Leap One

Developed by Magic Leap, it’s a MR headset that comes together with a small, light weighted wearable computer, which enhances the portability of the system. The headset has an advanced eye-tracking system, allowing gestures to be made via eye movements such as blinking etc. Although it’s priced at $2000+, this might be the future that we are all looking at: where digital meets reality.

Image result for magic leap one
                                                            Magic Leap One

XR on a budget

If I was a rich girl, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na… I would prefer the Hololens for Mixed Reality and HTC Vive for Virtual Reality.

My preference is mostly affected by my experience, because these are the only two high end headsets I’ve tried (once on the Hololens, and multiple times on the HTC Vive), and Ive been wowed by the experiences.

[Me trying the Hololens]

The HTC Vive and Hololens have competitive specs in their respective VR and MR markets, as many others have pointed out. These two also fare well when it comes to developer support. Here’s the Hololens forum and the HTC Vive developer community.

When it comes to developing applications for the Hololens and HTC Vive, there are enough materials online and open platforms to begin development. Hololens is listed as a supported headset in Unity’s Mixed Reality Toolkit and for the official document in unity they have a section specifically for the HTC Vive.

No matter how much XR may distort reality, reality still holds that many of these XR gears are too expensive for the ordinary student. The Hololens easily cost over $3000 the Vive over $1000! Fortunately, one can dabble with XR while on a budget.

Budget VR

Introducing…the VR googles: Google cardboard, free shipping to Singapore, for less then SGD$4!

This simple cardboard cutout can turn your Android phone into a neat virtual reality headset. The glasses creates a 3D effect when viewing split screen images like this:

Many such videos can be found on youtube. On the google cardboard app, there are many sample VR worlds that responds according to your phone’s orientation, and coupled with a 3D screen, emulates the VR experience well. There is a little magnet at the side, that acts like a button, so you may interact with your phone’s screen while your phone is tucked in the Google Cardboard. How this works is it sends signals to the phone using the phone’s magnetometer, which is usually used for compass functions.

Budget AR

If your mobile device has a camera, accelerometers, gyroscope and 3D rendering capabilities, you can run and develop full fledged AR applications on you mobile device. For example try AR.js on Github.  It works well on my Xiao Mi 5S.

Budget MR, in the future maybe?

Unfortunately, devices like the Hololens have set a high benchmark for what it means to be considered MR. To achieve MR, the virtual objects have to respond to the real world often in a realistic way. For example, the menu, a virtual object of the Hololens fixes itself nicely on a real world wall.

When you move away from the wall, the menu should appear to shrink, as if it were fixed in that spot (Accurate spatial mapping). You can also move and interact with this virtual menu, with hand gestures, without needing a controller.

Through the Hololens, you can pick virtual objects up and move them around, with just your hands. These amazing and advanced features defining MR currently can only be achieved with expensive equipment. Hopefully in the future there will exist a budget solution to achieve MR.


CS4240 homework VR: Oculus Quest MR: Nreal Light

For this week’s CS4240 homework, we are to research on latest hardware in VR/AR/MR and then discuss about our favorite device for VR and MR.

In terms of MR, there are currently 3 on the market, the 2 more well known ones are the HoloLens and Magic Leap. For the 3rd device, it is known as the Nreal Light MR smart glasses and it is my personal favorite.

Below is how the Nreal Light MR glasses look when worn.

nreal light, read-to-wear mixed reality glasses

The first thing you would notice about the Light is that it looks like a fashionable sunglasses as compared to the HoloLens and Magic Leap which both looks bulky and are probably things you would not wear outdoors. Also, below you can see the entire hardware loadout for the light, which includes toast – the external processor, light – the MR glasses, oreo – the touchpad controller.

From ces reviews, the processing power is comparable to the other two MR glasses and the light has higher field of view compared to magic leap. The only arguing point is that the light glasses has to be wired to the toast but I prefer such a setup over wearing a bulky visor like the hololens or weird looking glasses in the Magic Leap.


For VR hardware, I think the latest advancements are trending towards untethered headsets which allow for more freedom in movement and is definitely welcome. In terms of computation power, while such HMD are not capable of tapping on the processing power of a PC as compared to tethered headsets as a trade off for freedom from tethering.

Why I chose the Oculus Quest – pictured below, as my favorite VR headset is that I value the freedom of movement a lot especially with the trend towards room-scale VR applications.

Image result for oculus quest specs

As for why Oculus Quest over other untethered headsets, I personally believe that how good a hardware is also depends on the ecosystem surrounding the headset itself. While google daydream was the first to come up with commercial standalone headset in the google daydream standalone by Lenovo, there just wasn’t much application nor games to try out on the google daydream playstore. Out of the various VR headset, oculus and HTC vive has the strongest developer ecosystem which allows for developers to get help easier and finish their product. This advantage means there will naturally be more things for you to try out with the HTC and oculus headsets.

As to why Oculus Quest over HTC Vive Focus (HTC’s standalone headset), I personally prefer the flagship controller on the Oculus. In terms of computational power, I think both are quite similar and offer 6 DOF tracking and same resolution. In terms of controller design, Oculus’s touch controllers feels more ergonomic and the ring allows for natural pointing gestures. The HTC controller on the other hand utilizes touchpad rather than analog stick. The issue I have with touchpad is using it as a button compared to analog stick doesn’t seem to give as good a feedback and can lead it the touchpad press being hard to utilize. Also, you do not feel directional movements through your fingers as naturally since you don’t feel any feedback as compared to having an analog stick being offset in a certain direction.

While Oculus Quest is my preferred headset for VR, I do feel that HTC and Oculus are both pretty competitive and it is probably down to preference since their specs are overall pretty close.