Game Analysis – DOTA2

DOTA2 (Originated from DOTA, Defense of the Ancient) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game. The game usually involves 10 players, who are to be divided into 2 teams. Each team member will cooperate together and destroy certain constructions on the map to win the game.






From the year of 2012, DOTA2 holds world-class tournaments annually: The International (Ti). Last year, Ti6 had a price pool of 20 billion dollars and invited 16 teams from different regions around the world to compete with each other, which was really impressive. From the fact we could probably have a conclusion that DOTA2 is becoming one of the most successful MOBA games around the world. To answer the question why this game could win a large gamer population, I would like to provide some analysis.


Lenses and Reviews

Lens#32 The lens of meaningful choices

DOTA2 currently has 113 heroes and 148 items. During the game, some of the items have limited stock, players can choose to use money to buy back to game immediately after death, for each hero, when they reach certain level, they can choose either to upgrade one of the 4 skills or to select a path in talent tree. Such large number of variables make this game flexible and brings out a lot of choices: how to choose heroes that are can have nice combo, how to choose skills that would counter the opponents, how to select talent trees to enhance heroes’ abilities, whether to buy new item for the next battle or leave money for buy back… All those options need to be chosen wisely according to different situations on the battle field and all the choices are meaningful because they all lead the team to win.


Lens#30 The lens of Fairness

It would always be a question for MOBA games that how to balance items and heroes’ skills. In this case, we regard fairness as balance of the game play. However, for DOTA2 it seems that the game is well designed and balanced. Over 83 heroes appeared in the matches for over 10 times, which demonstrated that DOTA2 is now relatively well balanced; there’s no a group of heroes that dominates the game play. In addition, the map is also fairly designed: two part of the map share the same amount of resources so that players would have the same chance for farming.


Lens#3 The lens of fun

DOTA2 is fun. However, from my own experience, it’s fun is not only the game itself, but also the nature of the game. DOTA2 is a competitive game and a multiplayer game as well. Players would have the desire of winning and as they win the game, they would gain pleasure from the game play. In addition, people usually play the game together and just like basketball, players would develop close friendship through game. People would make fun of each other, help each other and encourage each other during the plays. “When losing, we analyze why we lost together. When winning, we share the pleasure together.” All these elements make DOTA2 a really fun game.



DOTA2 is currently one of the most popular competitive games in the world. It’s well-designed game rules and well developed graphics are attracting more and more player around the world. Now it also steps into the field of VR and tries to design new heroes. I sincerely hope that DOTA2 would be more balanced and better in the future.